Event Hosting Grants are available from the City of Brandon through the Accommodation Tax Program. To qualify your event must occur in Brandon, generate hotel night stays within the city, and meet the criteria of outlined in the category you apply under.

These funds are allocated solely as an incentive to bring your event to the Brandon, and to make your event as successful as possible. Brandon First provides support to this program by helping event organizers with applications, room night tracking resources and final reports. Our knowledgeable staff is available to help you with every step, making it easier for you to access the funds you need for your event to reach its full potential.

1. New Event – This category is typically suitable for applicants looking to bring an existing event to Brandon that has not been held in the City for at least three consecutive years or create a brand new event to be held in Brandon.

2. Event Retention – This category is typically suitable for an event that has a history of being hosted in Brandon but is in jeopardy of no longer being hosted in Brandon or being shortened as a result of a variety of reasons, including but not limited to finances or a competitive bid from another community.

3. Growing an Existing Event – This category is typically suitable for an event that has a history of being hosted in Brandon but is looking to add a new component to the event in order to attract a new market segment to the event which will result in increased room nights.

4. Capital Enhancements – This category is typically suitable for repairs or upgrades of a capital nature that are required in order to host a specific event that generates overnight stays. Capital funding will not be approved to position Brandon to pursue future events or for the purposes of regular maintenance. Non-event capital projects undertaken by the Keystone Centre are handled through a different process than what is described here.